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As the game jam has progressed, I’ve had several ideas for new features that I could include. At the moment my main emphasis is on getting the game finished to the point I have something I can demo to my peers. These are not in the current scope so rather than allow feature creep to scupper all forward progress I’ve created this post as a car park for ideas and features.

  • Dynamic time period that tunes the difficulty to the player’s ability. As the player gives, say, 10 correct answers in a row the question timeout is reduced by 0.5s. A streak of 5 wrong answers would add 0.5s.
  • Longest streak high score
  • Real-time stats on UI to show progress, score and current streak
  • Skinning to allow the player to select different card decks
  • Voice recognition to allow player to speak the answer. This could extend the game to help teach number vocabulary in other languages.
  • Better card flip animation

I’ll continue to add to and maintain this list as the jam develops. My thoughts are that by capturing them here I’ve removed the need to implement them immediately and can schedule them in a controlled manner.

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

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