Now we’re into week 4 of the course and our first game jam is starting within the next 48 hours it’s time to get organised!
To avoid any stumbling blocks of the “I don’t know what to call my repo” variety I’ve chosen a set of codenames for each repo already. They will all follow the naming theme of “Rocks” and be named as follows:
- Anthracite
- Basalt
- Caliche
- Diorite
- Flint
- Granite
- Hornfels
- Iron Ore
- Jade
- Mariposite
- Mariposite
- Novaculite
- Obsidian
- Pegmatite
- Quartzite
- Rock Salt
- Sandstone
- Tuff
- Unakite
I don’t anticipate getting to the end of the list but if I do, I’ll restart from ‘A’ once more and choose a new set of rock types.
All project files will be committed to a Git repository on either GitHub or BitBucket. There are pros and cons with each but I really like the integration Atlassian offer between Jira and BitBucket. These two tools work very well together and I like the ability to trace changes back to particular Jira stories albeit overkill for the course.
All project files will be hosted on GitHub. As much as I like the Jira <–> BitBucket integration I don’t feel I need it for the IGD course. I also plan on taking part in several game jams over the next two years and GitHub seems the better platform owing to it’s popularity and integration with sites such as
Photo by Jeff Sheldon on Unsplash